Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Making quizzes in Google forms

See this tutorial for help with this versatile tool.

Monday, 16 November 2009

Tentrends...thanks to

Here are some ideas about what we need to teach in the future.

Cyber bullying

Cyberbullying is a growing problem in primary schools, according to the Anti-Bullying Alliance. See BBC

Many of the 227 10 and 11-year olds questioned said they used social networking sites, even though users are meant to be over 13.

It defines cyberbullying as deliberately upsetting someone using information technology, especially the internet or telephone.

Almost a quarter (23%) said they would allow their child of 10 or under to go on the internet unsupervised at home.

These steps are given if cyberbullying is happening:

The group tells children:

• Don't give out personal details such as your mobile number, address or email online

• Regularly check and clean your friends lists on social networking sites

• Keep evidence - callers and mailers can be traced

• Find the "report abuse" or "block sender" options on your favourite websites

• Remember that sites you create and emails you send can be traced back to you

• Protect your password to keep your files and information safe

• If you are being bullied in any way you must tell someone who can help - a teacher, parent/carer, friend, sister/brother or other relative

Saturday, 14 November 2009

Visual prompt for writing from

PicLit from
See the full PicLit at PicLits.comHere is a great visual prompt generator for writing.  Although sign up is required if you want to save the projects, it is quick and easy to do.